Monday, March 24, 2014

Character Count

This months Character Count Assembly is "Courage".
What do you think about when you hear that word?
What makes people courageous?
Does someone have to be an actual hero like we see in popular films or can they be just ordinary everyday people?

What have you done that makes you a hero or heroine?


  1. When I was little I was scared to swin but now I'm NOT!

  2. A courageous person is someone with no fears, and always ready to face a new challenge, an example of courage can be found above.
    -Good Luck! :)

  3. courage is very important in your life.that's because you have it in you

  4. I love to be courageous especially when I am courageous to help anyone because I get thanked after

  5. Congratulations to whoever won!

  6. When I don't know how to swim after I do swimming I'm not scared any more.
