Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Don't Stare At It Too Long

What is the picture of?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bitstrips For School

By now many of you have already created your own character on Bitstrips.
I have seen some great comics so far and I like how they give us all great tips on how to save energy and help the environment.
If you want to see your classmate's comics just click the "quick links" at the side titled, Bitstrips For School.
Keep up the good work, everyone!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Brain Teaser

What gets bigger the more you take away from it?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Forces In Nature

Today we are going to look at the different forces in nature; erosion, landslides, tidal waves and lightning.
When you click on this link it will take you to a page where you will read and watch videos on each of these forces. When done, answer all the questions that relate to each force in your Science workbook.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Personal Narratives

As we continue our unit on writing personal narratives, think about what other books you have read that follow all the characteristics that make a good personal narrative:

  • Use "I"
  • Grab your reader's attention at the beginning
  • Include only the important events 
  • Tell the events in order
  • Use details and keep to the topic
  • Include dialogue when appropriate 
  • Write in your own voice
  • End in a way that finishes the story

Monday, April 7, 2014

Agenda Message For Mr. Sorrenti

April 29 2014
  • Math Assessment Thursday on Division
  • Finish Personal Narrative
  • Presentations on Thursday

Brain Teaser

I am an odd number and when you take away a letter from the alphabet I become even. What am I?

Friday, April 4, 2014

Math: Arrays and Multiplcation

As we have finished up our unit on measurement this week we are continuing from where we left off on multiplication.

Today we learned about using arrays to represent and solve multiplication problems AND what to do with left over pizza slices.

Great job, everyone!

Brain Teaser

What goes up, but never comes down?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brain Teaser

What gets wetter as it dries?


This month's Character Counts is Citizenship.

Citizenship can mean being a member of a country, community or even a group. When you are a member of something it means you also have a relationship to it. This means that your actions and behavior reflect the community as a whole. There are certain expectations that people must meet in order to become a good citizen.

A good citizen can be someone who:

  •  cares about the feelings and rights of others
  •  shows concern for the safety and well-being of others
  •  stays informed about issues and voices their opinion
  •  votes
  •  conserves resources and follows the 3 Rs-- reduce, reuse and recycle
  •  uses their skills to make a better community

Are you a citizen of a group or community?

What expectations must you meet in order to be a valued member of that community?

Did you know that over 200 years ago, during the Industrial Revolution, public school was used to create good citizens because good citizens equaled good workers.

The reason for it was to train a group of citizens who are disciplined and not like farmers. They were disciplined to work according to a certain schedule. They didn't come and go as they wish like they did when they were farmers. Then literacy and numeracy became part of that because these are very important skills in order to be a good worker in the factory.
Soon government and educators learned that just knowing how to read and write doesn't necessarily mean you know how to be a good citizen, so learning how to build character was added. They wanted workers to know about morals.
Today we aren't transforming farmers into factory workers but education still teaches you about being a good citizen.

*Parents and Students: The Character Assembly has been changed to Monday May 5th instead of April 30th due to schedule conflicts.